
2094446005Embarrassment, shame, hurt, fear, denial, self-doubt…

These are the thoughts and emotions that go through your mind when you find out you’ve been deceived, lied to, and cheated on.

It doesn’t feel good. In fact, it’s too much to bear for most.

It’s a level of hurt and frustration with your partner no one can fully understand.

Taking a risk on love…

That’s what you do when you choose to build a loving, trusting relationship with someone.

Getting to know someone new can be fun and exciting, but putting yourself out there to build a genuine connection leaves you vulnerable.

Nevertheless, that vulnerability allows you to discover new parts of yourself. It can give you the confidence needed to grow.

1016243935Healthy relationships are beautiful, but…

When your partner hurts you as no one else can, your trust is broken. The deception can wreck your self-esteem and cause you to doubt yourself and how you show up in the world.

No one deserves to be lied to or cheated on. No one…

But you’re more than your circumstances, and no individual’s actions can define the core of who you are. Infidelity can hurt you, but it won’t break you.

Therapy can help.

It gives you a safe space to heal after experiencing the trauma of infidelity.

Therapy is where you can step back and regain proper perspective. Having your trust broken can distort your view on partnerships or even how you view people. Your willingness to trust again can be repaired, but it will take time. I’m here to walk beside you as your perspective is restored.

We’ll also rebuild your self-esteem and self-confidence, which are often shattered through infidelity. Part of this work will include an examination of how you define a trusting relationship… and how to protect yourself from this level of disappointment again.

If you still have a desire for partnership after infidelity…

Your healing starts now.

It is possible to love and trust again.

It’s possible to have a healthy relationship with your partner that caused the pain.

Working on yourself and building your discernment will allow you the freedom and space to do that.

This might seem like an impossible journey, but it’s not. Let’s talk more during your free consultation: (678) 561-6799.